In 2024, Netflix Beyond the Screen campaign run, which aimed to immerse viewers in their favourite shows and movies using virtual reality (VR). This interactive, boundary-pushing campaign was designed to bring the entertainment experience out of the screen and into people’s lives.

The Approach
Netflix wanted to deepen the relationship between viewers and their favourite content by giving fans a chance to experience shows like Stranger Things or The Witcher through VR. The campaign blended VR technology, fan engagement, and social media buzz.
- VR Experiences for Popular Shows: Netflix created immersive VR experiences that allowed users to “step into” iconic scenes from their favorite series. This was available through their app and promoted heavily across social media.
- Exclusive Social Media Content: Netflix leveraged platforms like Instagram and TikTok to share behind-the-scenes footage, teaser clips of the VR experience, and influencer collaborations. Influencers across pop culture and gaming communities tried out the VR experience, building excitement among followers.
- Fan Contests and Virtual Watch Parties: To push engagement, Netflix hosted VR-powered watch parties where fans could join a virtual room and watch the latest episode of popular shows together. There were also contests where fans could win exclusive merchandise and VR gear.
- The campaign led to a 40% increase in Netflix app downloads, driven by the desire to access exclusive VR content.
- Social media engagement skyrocketed, with Netflix gaining 15 million new followers across Instagram and TikTok during the campaign period.
- VR experiences for Stranger Things alone saw 10 million users interacting with the new technology.
Why It Worked
Netflix successfully capitalized on both its strong fan base and cutting-edge technology. By integrating virtual reality and exclusive content, Netflix not only kept users engaged but also brought the entertainment experience to life in a whole new way.
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